I just received some very exciting news! My internship for the past two weeks has been pending and the official word just came through! The service in the Lord which has been given for my internship is a two year internship. Wait for it.... I have to build it up.
The last two weeks have been especially cold and rainy for entering into the beginnings of summer. As I waited the official announcement of my internship there was this feeling of expectant hope. I have known since February where my internship was to tentatively be but I wan not ready to tell anyone just in case something were to come up. It is funny how much of our lives reflect the ultimate hope in which we expectantly wait for. We have it now, but not yet! The kingdom is ours right now, but not yet. My internship was mine, but not yet. I view this as a HUGE gift from God!!!
While I expectantly waited for the official stamp of approval for my internship I contemplated what this internship would mean for me and my relationship with all of you, and with my family, and more importantly with my God. As a deaconess, we are presented with internship offers to choose from, assuming there are enough internship offers out there to offer. The first offer I received I panicked because my greatest fear, and biggest dream were realized all at once. The fear being the separation from family by miles, and the dream being to enter into the mission field. After I had time to think and talk with my father I came to the realization that no mater where I go there will always be a divide of miles between my family and I. The second realization I came to was that no matter how far I go, and no matter how long I am away, even if I were to never get to see my family again, I enter into a work that promises I will see them again. Not just for little visits and for special holidays, but for eternity! This world is temporal and the fact that I am allowed to serve the very Apha and Omega, who promises eternity is an honor and a privilege. Home has become wherever my God takes me. For twenty five years home was wherever my family went and last year it was a little further in the rainy land of Fort Wayne. This year it was even farther to the rainy places of England, but next year I am pleased to say it will be a little closer and a lot more sunny.
Right now I wait for the cold April and May showers to give way to bright sunshine. Next year I am promised more than enough sunshine to make up for the lack of it here in England. My deaconess internship (drum roll please......) will be a two year internship in the Dominican Republic. I will be working with LCMS World Mission and the team stationed there. There are several locations and areas I have potential to serve in. From what I understand thus far, the mission in the DR is connected with Bethesda. This means they work with children with disabilities and their parents to help them better care for their children. I will also be given the task of teaching theology to the women of the DR. This will be a two year internship because one year is needed to learn the language. Please pray for me!!! I must say the idea of teaching theology in Spanish is a little intimidating as theology in English is a foreign language in itself. I know your love and support go with me and I am so grateful to have you all as my family (additional shout out to all those of First Lutheran in Papillion NE!) I look forward to telling you more about the work I will be doing as I find more out about it.
For now the work assigned before I am able to go is to tell everyone about what I will be doing and to raise support in the mission. If you presently feel so inclined to support me in the next two years to come then here are some details for offering financial support. I however in this moment really appreciate your prayers as I prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically to move to the D.R. Thank you all so much for any and all the support you have given me, I have never felt alone in this process!
To support this mission:
make checks payable to LCMS International Mission. On the memo line of the check include "Support Kathryn Ziegler - 69304"
Mail gifts to:
Missionary Support
LCMS Mission Advancement
1333 S Kirkwood Rd
St. Louis, MO 63122
Missionary Support
LCMS Mission Advancement
1333 S Kirkwood Rd
St. Louis, MO 63122