It seems to me that it has been a while since I have posted anything but a lot has occurred in my life since the last time I wrote anything. I have been the happiest that I have been in a while. I’m enjoying my work and as they say; sometimes no news is good news. That seems an idiom I have been using a lot lately. There has been a lot of pleasant growth lately. I went through a period of forced, and painful growth where priorities were made, changes were incorporated and views were challenged. I was in the refiners fire, and now I bask in what it is that I have been made for (that is not to say I have arrived).
It seems like the melancholy falling of the leaves of Autumn brings about a contemplative phase. While I do not know the Fall like I once did, I imagine what it is that I am missing and what it is that I presently have. We all go through seasons in life. Times and seasons that perhaps we would rather not go through. Those seasons always prepare us for something else. There will be great rejoicing in the days to come! Rejoicing comes from a knowledge of where we stand and in Whom we stand. As a tree is rooted in Christ and it flourishes, so do those who are stedfast in Him. Though the storms come and hail beats down and breaks off the branches we realize our own need for the Word, for the Gifts that God gives, and for the understanding of that rich sacrifice which he has already made for us in Christ.
While I bask in a “spiritual spring” or perhaps in a harvest, I realize that there are others who may be in a “spiritual fall,” preparing themselves for the battles of the cold winter. Being rooted and established in Christ means we live not in a spiritual fast, but a spiritual feasting even when there is famine. While in draught we may not “feel” the present joy of salvation, we can know it is there; a banquet offering life and salvation in meager portions with abundant blessings. Through a small bit of bread and wine we can know and move through those unpleasant seasons of doubt. We can know that we have fellowship in times of isolation, we have forgiveness when we find ourselves bearing down upon ourselves, and we have life and salvation right now. This gives us cause to continually say: Christ is risen! He is Risen indeed!
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7